The pursuit of our authentic self
In today’s world, many of us are cut off and alienated from our true, authentic self - a healthy, balanced ego state. Our bodies produce symptoms in an effort to catch our attention. Sadly, we often ignore these warning bells or we attempt to medicate the symptoms without working to understand the root cause of the physiological manifestation.
When people come in
Many individuals come in describing a loss of passion and vitality in their lives, an inability to be spontaneous, anxiety, depression, dissociation, insomnia, panic and addictions of varying kinds.
The desire to become whole
In every human individual there exists an instinctual desire to be whole. A pressing urge to make right that which sits uncomfortably in the psyche. A desire to live a life unburdened by excessive guilt and shame coupled with the freedom to enjoy a fuller and less restrictive emotional experience.
It is here, on this footing, that I have the privilege to meet you - with warmth, respect and confidentiality. A partner in your quest to claim back the soul essence you were born with.